and again... and again... and again... and again... and again...
Let's be frank, I am not the kind of person who is able to keep writing a blog.
It always ends up being a short-lived project. I will give it another try though and this time I thought it would be nice to write it in English, so that it could be understandable for all the people I know, both in Italy and in Denmark or wherever they are.
There will be loads of mistakes and funny-looking sentences, but hey! I am trying to please everybody here so don't make my task harder than it is, 'kay? A long time has passed since I have been writing in English, actually since I have been writing at all...
The old posts of this blog have been deleted, I wanted to start anew... but then I couldn't really get myself to delete the last one, so it will stay there even if it is in Italian - I will probably find the time to translate it one day.
19 months have past since that post and - gee- so many things have happened, so much has changed - I have changed!
I now am a married woman (who would have thought), bearing the child of the man I love above anything else in this world.
I am happy.
And it is a strange kind of happiness or probably it is the real kind of happiness, it is something I have never experienced before anyway.
Of course not everything is perfect - far, far from it! - we surely could use a bit more of this and that (read: money - LOL), I have to endure almost every "side-effect" pregnancy can cause and Daniele has to go through all my ups and downs ( I feel terrible about it by the way) but I AM HAPPY... I am fulfilled. I know that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else and with anybody else and that's a loooooong way from where I was 19 months ago.
And well, let's give this blog a chance and try to keep it alive... at least until I have to get back to work again...